Thursday 12 December 2013

Photoshop task

Various ancillary options require print based elements, therefore i have used this Photoshop project in order to re-familiarise myself with the various tools and techniques available in Photoshop. By completing this task i will be able to produce more professional looking work to higher standards due to practicing the methods demonstrated in this piece of work.

After taking the close-up and long shot respectively i used the magnetic cut-out tool to carefully trace their outlines and cut them out of the original images to place onto my movie poster. I chose these poses/facial expressions to match the rom/com genre of my film poster. I feel that as they are silly and informal they provide an element of comedy which helps to portray the genre.

I chose the background as a park setting as this a steroetypical film setting where "the guy will meet the girl" therefore i felt it was important to include as from this the genre can be determined . It's also a brightly lit image which gives hints to the comedic genre and lets the audience know that it will be a light-hearted film.
Along with the background image i have included a close up of the female actors face. This is so the audience knows who is in the film and the inclusion of the broken heart gives hint to the plot and genre of the film. As the actress is well known it will lend to the films success as she will be present on the poster making the film seem more appealing to her fans and increasing the target audience.

I have used lightly coloured text to represent the comedic side of the text, it is also bold and clear to see so that people will be able to recognise the name of the film so that they can then go and watch it.

Other touches i have added are a BBFC age certificate which show that the film has passed the BBFC's 15 age rated guidelines meaning that people aged 15 or over can consume and buy the product. This also offers an insight into the type of content in the film. I have also included the names of certain production members, this is so fans of each of these people may be attracted to the film which widen the target audience. I was manage to include these other details through the use of creating different layers to the image and adding them on top of ach other to gain the desired effect.

During this task i have learnt how to accurately cut out images and place them onto a background. I have also learnt how to adjust the brightness/contrast of images to make them appear clearer and brighter. I have also refreshed my knowledge on how to add and edit text to add detaisl such as the film name, actors and production credits.

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