By personally showing my music video to people i was able to receive immediate feedback as well as having the ability to follow up on certain comments to then gain more specific answers regarding things like conventions, camera angles and lip syncing. Although the quality was not up to the standard of the finished final product. By showing people the unfinished version i was then able to adjust and change some of the editing/effects of the footage to further meet their needs and so that it became a more successful product.
The first person i showed my music video to was my sister Emma. I showed it to her first as she also took media studies as an A-level and therefore would be able to comment on things like the camera angles used.
Upon watching it she said that "It matches the style of other music videos in that there's a heavy focus on the artist and its a nice touch to include the flashbacks to make the video appear more like a story with a narrative rather than just general imagery matched with the lyrics."
As a follow up question i then asked what kind of artist did it most remind her off.
She replied with "It reminds me of an artist like Ed Sheeran as he is shown playing his own instrument and the video is personal to him as its pictured as his relationship."
I feel this proves the success of my music video as this was the inspiration/goal for my music video. Therefore to be compared to the style of video i originally based my idea off of is a major positive.
I also received direct feedback in the form of a comment on the video itself.
This comment expresses both a positive and negative with my music video. As this comment was received after the final version of my music video was created i was not able to act upon it and further improve it. I will however be able to take this into account in future projects where i will spend more time in trying to sync my footage with both the lyrics of the song as well as the beat. I will also take more care when trying to match up transitions within my product such as the graphic match.
Another way of gaining audience feedback was by posting the link to my music video on my twitter.
Here people who followed me could then watch it and decide to favourite or re-tweet it. For people who did this i then contacted them through twitter to obtain a follow up response.
One of the people i asked for a response was a friend called Scott. I had noticed that after watching my video he then shared the link on his own twitter page meaning that his followers would be able to watch it too - further expanding my audience and letting my video gain popularity through word of mouth. After asking for an opinion as to why he liked the music video he responded:
This comment shows that my music video is appropriate and matches the style/genre well. A person like Scott was not part of my intended target audience, however this comment shows appreciation for the music video which means it has the potential to appeal to a far wider audience than first expected, even though it was engineered to appeal to a demographic which involves teenage girls.
Evidence of Scott sharing the video on his own twitter profile
Other comments i received through twitter. Although mostly positive, attention has once again been raised regarding the transition. I will therefore take extra care in the future when attempting to recreate such effects.
I also looked for opinions on Facebook so that i covered as many social media platforms as possible as that is what is very popular with my target audience and therefore it is where they would be most likely to watch my video. One of the comments from a friend on Facebook was this:
Once again the opinion is positive as with most feedback. From this i can conclude that my music video has been successful in that it has been praised when it comes to the conventions of the singer/songwriter genre. The music video also been described as "genuine" and "realistic" showing that although made by an amateur it appears as a normal music video which is a positive in itself as it proves that there is no dodgy camerawork or not thought through segments to the video.
The only notable criticism is that a certain transition within the video does not sync perfectly between cuts. I will therefore make sure to take this advice in to account and revise my technique when planning to film these sot of shots a swell as making sure i cut at the right time in each piece of footage so that it matches up appropriately.
I received less feedback on my ancillary product as i felt the music video held preference and would be the focal point of my project. I did however ask some people about my ancillary products and they responded with:
This shows that my ancillary products were also successful as they provide a strong link between each other by sharing the same house style and content.
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